gas stove 煤氣爐。
煤氣爐。 “gas“ 中文翻譯: GAS = gasoline. “stove“ 中文翻譯: stove2 stave 的過去式及過去分詞。 “gas cooking stove“ 中文翻譯: 煤氣灶“gas fired stove“ 中文翻譯: 煤氣火爐“gas heater (stove)“ 中文翻譯: 煤氣暖爐“gas stove equipment“ 中文翻譯: 煤氣灶具“independent gas-fired stove“ 中文翻譯: 獨立燃氣爐“connect the gas stove with the gas pipe“ 中文翻譯: 這班飛機在紐約可接上另一班機“gas stove; gas furnace; gas oven“ 中文翻譯: 煤氣爐“hot-blast stove gas burner“ 中文翻譯: 熱風爐煤氣燃燒器; 熱風爐燃燒器“stove“ 中文翻譯: stove1 n. 1.火爐,電爐,加熱器。 2.窯。 3.干燥室,烘房。 4.【園藝】溫室。 5.〔美俚〕煙斗。 vt. 1.用火爐烤[烘干]。 2.把…放入溫室內培育。 stove2 stave 的過去式及過去分詞。 “stove in“ 中文翻譯: 被撞破“air stove“ 中文翻譯: 熱風爐“alcohol stove“ 中文翻譯: 酒精爐“annealing stove“ 中文翻譯: 回火爐“anthracite stove“ 中文翻譯: 無煙煤煤爐“bark stove“ 中文翻譯: bark stove = barkbed. “brooder stove“ 中文翻譯: 育雛器用火爐“camp stove“ 中文翻譯: 便于攜帶的爐子; 野營用爐“celestial stove“ 中文翻譯: 神仙爐“changing the stove“ 中文翻譯: 熱風爐換爐“charcoal stove“ 中文翻譯: 炭爐“choke stove“ 中文翻譯: 阻風加熱器“circulatory stove“ 中文翻譯: 循環爐“coal stove“ 中文翻譯: 煤爐
gas turbine |
The nanjing day tan oak domestic electric appliances limited company , is engaged in yu youyan machine , the fuel gas stove has , the fuel gaswater heater , the electric boiler , the electricity air bath , disinfects the cabinet , the electromagnetism stove and so on the smallelectrical appliances production and the sale operates privately thelimited liability company , the product proliferates area and so onmainland china and southeast asia has an experience rich technologyabundant outstanding team , has the specialty private enterprisemanagerial talent and control system day ke ren understood sets upthe brand , fully displays the team spirit , my si dingbi the takedivision of labor and cooperation , the superiority supplementary , resources sharing , the reciprocal benefit mutual benefit as aprinciple , provides extremely has the market competition strength bymight and main for the collaborator the product our objective is : development , innovation , prestige , highly effective , enterprising , strives for realism , development , quality 南京天柯家用電器有限公司,從事于油煙機,燃氣灶具,燃氣熱水器,電熱水器,電氣鍋,消毒柜,電磁爐等小家電生產及銷售的私營有限責任公司,產品遍布中國大陸及東南亞等地區.有著一支經驗豐富技術雄厚的優秀團隊,有專業的私營企業管理人才和管理制度.天柯人懂得樹立品牌,充分發揮團隊精神,我司定必以分工合作、優勢互補、資源共享、互惠互利為原則,竭力為合作者提供極有市場競爭力的產品.我們的宗旨是:開拓,創新,信譽,高效,進取,求實,發展,質量 |
Dozens of types of products manufactured by our company are widely used in the ships built at home and aboard , including qhz serial liquified gas stoves , stainless kitchen furniture , immersion heaters . electric ranges , kitchen multipurpose machine , kitchen waste pulverizer , rice cookers , ice water machine , cold storage doors , cold storage racks , file cabinets , lockers , split mounting type of refrigerated warehouses , cell toilets , bin inbuilts , lock sheets , nut caps , impact nails , etc 公司主要生產qhz系列汽化爐灶、不銹鋼廚房家具,電熱沸水器、電灶等電熱電器、廚房多用機、廚房污物粉碎機、蒸飯箱、冰水機、冷庫門、冷庫貨架,文件柜、更衣柜、拼裝式冷庫在,單元衛生間,艙室內裝、鎖緊片、蓋帽、碰釘等幾十種規格產品,廣泛用于國內外各船廠建造的船舶上。 |
By using the design concept of construction integrating with equipment and dangerous equipment isolating from construction object , the outdoor installing cage is designed for the gas stove , which includes installing burning chamber , waste gas ventage and gas inlet 以“建筑與設備互動”和“危險設施與建筑主體隔離”為設計思想,對多功能燃氣具室外安裝箱進行了具體設計,包括燃氣具安裝燃燒室、廢氣排放通道、進氣道3部分。 |
There was a third room for possible use as a kitchen , where drouet had carrie establish a little portable gas stove for the preparation of small lunches , oysters , welsh rarebits , and the like , of which he was exceedingly fond ; and , lastly , a bath 另外還有一個房間,打算作廚房,杜洛埃已經要嘉莉在那里裝了一個簡易活動煤氣爐,以便燒些簡單的便餐和杜洛埃愛吃的牡蠣烤奶酪面包之類的食品。最后還有個洗澡間。 |
We have all kinds of purple clay steam boats which can be directly placed on heat sources such as gas stoves , electric stoves , induction cookers , charcoal burners , microwave ovens and convection ovens for braising , cooking , frying and steaming foods 我廠生產的各式紫砂耐熱鍋、壺都可直接放在煤氣爐,煤餅爐、電爐,電磁爐、木炭爐,微波爐,光波爐等的各種熱源上進行燉,煮,炒,烤等烹調使用。 |
Ningbo yingpu electric appliance co . , ltd . was set up in 1990 , the former was ningbo sanyuan gas stoves co . , ltd . specializes in making electric water heater , dry bottle , refrigeration fittings for air - condition of auto etc 寧波櫻普電器有限公司創建于1990年,前身為寧波三園燃氣具有限公司,專業生產電熱水器、汽車空調制冷配件、干燥瓶、燃氣具及配件等。 |
Our company is modern enterprise , specializing in developing , designing , manufacturing and selling gas stove , sterilizer cabinet , kitchen ventilation fan , water heater and other home appliances 我司是一家集自行開發、設計、制造、銷售于一體,專業生產和銷售吸油煙機、家用燃氣灶具、消毒柜、強力(廚房)排氣扇、熱水器等廚衛系列產品的現代化企業。 |
Exclusive of our piezo igniter serials , we make use of our technical advantage in researching and developing all kinds of gas stove ceramic products , functional ceramic and structural ceramic components 除品質優良品種全的點火器系列產品外,公司還充分利用自身優勢,致力于開發研制和生產功能陶瓷元件和結構陶瓷等高技術含量的陶瓷產品。 |
The leading products include infrared gas stove , infrared furnace - head , newly range hood which separetes the oil and smoke , and light - wave sterilizer 目前公司自主研發生產的主導產品有:紅外線燃氣灶,紅外線爐頭,油煙分離新型抽油煙機,光波消毒柜。 |
In consideration of the problems in indoor gas stove installation at present , a study is conducted on the design of a multifunction gas stove outdoor installing cage 摘要針對目前燃氣具室內安裝存在的問題,開展了多功能燃氣具室外安裝箱的設計研究。 |
When it was time for her to go to work , she left home in a hurry , forgetting to turn off her gas stove , where the herbs were cooking in a pot 一天清晨,王師姊準備完早餐后,繼續煎藥,因上班的時間到了,情急之下,忘記關掉煤氣爐就匆匆趕去上班。 |
We introduce the world - advanced ceramics kiln gas stove , advanced equipment , and top grade production craft , have solid product developing ability 引進了當今世界陶瓷窯爐的先進技術、先進的生產設備和一流的生產工藝,具有雄厚的產品開發能力。 |
Right from the beginning we had a small gas stove that ran off propane tanks , which we cooked on when the wood - fired cook stove wasn ' t in use 剛開始時,我們也用一個小小的煤氣灶做飯,因為當時用木材生火的灶臺還沒有做好。 |
30 johnsy lay for a long time looking at it . and then she called to sue , who was stirring her chicken soup over the gas stove 約翰西躺在那兒,望著它許久許久。接著她大聲呼喚正在煤氣灶上攪雞湯的蘇。 |
Johnsy lay for a long time looking at it . and then she called to sue , who was stirring her chicken broth over the gas stove 瓊熙長時間躺在床上,看著它。后來她叫蘇娥。問她誰在煤氣爐子上給她弄雞湯。 |
Johnsy lay for a long time looking at it . and then she called to sue , who was stirring her chicken broth over the gas stove 瓊西躺著對它看了許久。然后她招呼正在煤氣爐上給她煮雞湯的蘇。 |
I could smell the broth simmering in a blue - speckled enamelware pot on top of the old gas stove 我已聞到舊煤氣爐上有藍色斑點的搪瓷鍋里燉的肉湯的香味。 |
In a corner of the room behind a screen was a small gas stove and a refrigerator 在房間的一個角落的屏風后面有個小煤氣灶和一臺電冰箱。 |
Butane gas stoves 丁烷氣爐 |